Imagine lying on a flat cut bed of slate (our mattress, that’s not a moan, that’s just an insightful fact) and to one side of you, bricks spaced apart running parallel but getting closer together as it reaches your head and the other side fitted with strobe lights. Now that bloody neighbour has decided to put his wheelie bins out at 2:00am (you know the ones) and in that typical “inconsiderate” fashion drags them over the bricks right next to your head. That’s pretty much the nights sleep we had just after I updated this the other week. This thunder was by no means inconsiderate, as I personally relish a good thunder storm (Sad but true) Kara wasn’t too keen for it this time and put sleep in front of the epic show. That was to date the loudest thunder I've ever heard, sod your Whitestone hill and south of France, Asia means business when it comes to thunder. The windows glass and doors were ratting all over the show. And the best thing was we were all completely helpless, there’s nothing you can do but watch\listen in complete awe or change you underwear. Immense!!!!
We have found our own secret beach on the Bukit peninsula. For those of you that have been to Bali will find that hard to believe I bet. Apart from the odd Balinese fisherman there is no one about, no warungs, no poeple trying to sell you goods and no thieving monkeys. Just us and the snakes. This could be why no one is here. Seems to be the international landing bay for snakes wanting a dip. There are enough patterns in the sand, now I’m no Steve Irwin protégé but as far as I'm concerned they do not want to meet us at all. I bumped into a fella on the stairs when walking back up to the top and I got a second to register it, and he was gone like a bullet, bloody quick. The Fishermen couldn’t give a rat’s ass too, so we are going with it. To have an evening away from the busy beaches is worth its weight in our scaly friends. And it just so happens to be perfect for landscape photography and also comes with an unusual view of Padang Padang. Maybe you know it already?

The taffic is a lot worst then before.
With the photography, I have the shots worked out and the compositions sorted at the secret beach but the volcanoes are proving to be a pain is the ass; they only show themselves in the morning and are completely covered in cloud from midday onwards. This makes for some dramatic skies in the evening but I’m after the volcanoes on show to complete an image in my minds eye. I need the warm sun in the evenings to light the photo you see, in the morning the bay has no light till around 9.00am, by which time its way too harsh and almost right above. The one evening the volcanoes showed themselves I was sat in the Padang Padang line up, so I know they do appear, but it’s been once in the last 2 weeks….Other monochromatic images have been made with the cool dusk skies, I’m just pining for these planned photos.
Surf surf surf. Had a few small days at Padang Padang in the evenings with the end bowl severing up some small but perfectly round barrels. Although I wouldn’t want to sit there now as what was 1-2ft one morning while I was taking landscape photos and come the afternoon there was double overhead grinders making there way down the reef. A stand-up didn’t make the end bowl and had to duck dive the next one to come up with his board in two. He got off lucky if you ask me as if he didn’t mange to push himself through the wave he would have been minced. It was pulling hard of the reef. The big swell didn’t last long though and with the 0.2 tides swinging round again its all about racetracks, had a good 0.4 tide there today with outside corner sets breaking top to bottom, a bit sketchy at first but it breaks a fair way out in front of racetracks so by the time it reaches you its just powerless white water, take off as it reforms and boom, your racing the lip down the shallow reef, nothing better.

Smaller day at Racetracks.
Off for a Mc’Flurry, I'm not a fan of McDonald’s but when its 36p a go, I’m keen for ice cream that cheap.
Had a thunder storm back here last night! Was a good one, best for a while. Laid in bed with the windows and curtains open so I could see/hear it. Felt like I was back in stoke valley road when we were young and we use to do that, egging the lightening on to hit the mast on top the hill. Ha. Also while writing that remebered the one in polzeath when you got out the tent to go for a wee and lightening light up the sky and you could see everybody in the caravans looking out at you. Haha. Priceless!!
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